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07/2024 Meetings & Events

    October 2011
    Date Event Type
    October 5 to October 7 SHRM Strategy Conference Conference
    October 24 to October 26 SHRM Diversity & Inclusion Conference & Exposition Conference
    November 2011
    Date Event Type
    November 8 to November 10 Work-Life Focus 2012 and Beyond Conference
    March 2012
    Date Event Type
    March 4 to March 7 Employment Law & Legislative Conference Conference
    April 2012
    Date Event Type
    April 30 to May 2 Talent & Staffing Management Conference & Exposition Conference
    June 2012
    Date Event Type
    June 24 to June 27 SHRM 2012 Annual Conference & Exposition Conference
    September 2012
    Date Event Type
    September 25 September Morning Conference Conference
    October 2012
    Date Event Type
    October 14 to October 16 State MN SHRM Conference Conference
    October 2013
    Date Event Type
    October 13 to October 15 2013 MNSHRM State Conference Conference
    November 2013
    Date Event Type
    November 13 Legislative Update presented by Lisa Fogge, assistant to Senator Al Franken and a former state senator Chapter Meeting
    December 2013
    Date Event Type
    December 11 Holiday Social Chapter Meeting
    January 2014
    Date Event Type
    January 8 Recognition Strategies presented by Warren McNeil - Incentive Services, Inc. Chapter Meeting
    May 2014
    Date Event Type
    May 14 "Top Ten Items Every Employer Should Audit" Chapter Meeting
    June 2014
    Date Event Type
    June 11 Background Checks 101: Keeping Your Company Safe with an Effective, Affordable Employment Screening Program Chapter Meeting
    June 22 to June 25 Transform - SHRM 2014 Annual Conference & Exposition Conference
    July 2014
    Date Event Type
    July 9 No Meeting Scheduled
    August 2014
    Date Event Type
    August 13 No Meeting Scheduled
    September 2014
    Date Event Type
    September 10 Repaving the Road to Gender Equality: Learn How to Avoid Being Steamedrolled by Intensified Government Scrutiny on Equal Pay Chapter Meeting
    October 2014
    Date Event Type
    October 12 to October 14 MNSHRM State Conference Conference
    November 2014
    Date Event Type
    November 12 The Happy Hour Effect: REAL Strategies to Spin Stress into Success Chapter Meeting
    December 2014
    Date Event Type
    December 10 Chapter Holiday Social - Rockwoods Chapter Meeting
    January 2015
    Date Event Type
    January 14 "Health Equals Wealth: How Workplace Wellness Programs Benefit Both Employers and Workers:" Chapter Meeting
    February 2015
    Date Event Type
    February 11 Arm Yourself With the Facts on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Chapter Meeting
    March 2015
    Date Event Type
    March 11 What To Do About Employees With Medical Issues: Practical Advice and Risk Management Techniques Chapter Meeting
    April 2015
    Date Event Type
    April 8 Medical Marijuana Impacts on Employers Chapter Meeting
    May 2015
    Date Event Type
    May 13 You Did What? And You're a Supervisor? Chapter Meeting
    May 13 What You Need to Know About SHRM's New Certification Program. Chapter Meeting
    June 2015
    Date Event Type
    June 10 Managing Company Culture Chapter Meeting
    September 2015
    Date Event Type
    September 9 Staying in Bounds: Internal Investigations Chapter Meeting
    September 9 HOT TOPIC of the Month: Are You Ready for the Affordable Care Act Reporting Chapter Meeting
    October 2015
    Date Event Type
    October 11 to October 13 Minnesota SHRM Conference Conference
    November 2015
    Date Event Type
    November 11 Legislative Update Chapter Meeting
    November 11 HOT TOPIC: of the Month: Last Call Certification Pathway for Free Chapter Meeting
    December 2015
    Date Event Type
    December 9 Chapter Member Holiday Social
    January 2016
    Date Event Type
    January 13 Leading the Way to a Secure Retirement: 7 Insights to Help Manage Your Plan Chapter Meeting
    February 2016
    Date Event Type
    February 10 Employee Benefits Trends...What's New and What's on the Horizon? Chapter Meeting
    March 2016
    Date Event Type
    March 9 Responding to Discrimination Charges Chapter Meeting
    April 2016
    Date Event Type
    April 13 Employee Monitoring and Workplace Privacy: What Should You Monitor, What Shouldn’t You Monitor? Chapter Meeting
    May 2016
    Date Event Type
    May 11 How to Minimize the Exposure in Workers'Compensation Matters Once the Injury has Occurred. Chapter Meeting
    June 2016
    Date Event Type
    June 8 Retaliation Update - The Effect of Key Federal and State Cases and the Minnesota Whistle-blower Law Chapter Meeting
    June 8 Fair Labor Standards Act Overtime Regulations Chapter Meeting
    September 2016
    Date Event Type
    September 14 Why Don't Employees Come to Work Motivated? Chapter Meeting
    November 2016
    Date Event Type
    November 9 Legislative Update - Changes and More Changes 2016: New Laws; Regulations and Decisions Chapter Meeting
    December 2016
    Date Event Type
    December 15 HOLIDAY SOCIAL FOR CHAPTER MEMBERS Chapter Meeting
    January 2017
    Date Event Type
    January 11 The Strategic Use of Severance and Release Agreements Chapter Meeting
    February 2017
    Date Event Type
    February 8 Proactively Protecting Your Business through Policies & Procedures Chapter Meeting
    March 2017
    Date Event Type
    March 8 Saving Trees & Moving to the Cloud: The Future of HR Chapter Meeting
    April 2017
    Date Event Type
    April 12 What The Heck Is Going On In DC, HR Wise?  Chapter Meeting
    May 2017
    Date Event Type
    May 10 HR Metrics: Safeguarding HR’s Value Through HR Metrics. Chapter Meeting
    June 2017
    Date Event Type
    June 14 Your Organization's DNA: Taking Culture Out of the Shadows Chapter Meeting
    September 2017
    Date Event Type
    September 13 Finance for the Non-Financial HR Person Chapter Meeting
    October 2017
    Date Event Type
    October 8 to October 10 2017 MN SHRM State Conference: Superior HR - Charting the Course Conference
    November 2017
    Date Event Type
    November 8 Legislative Update Chapter Meeting
    December 2017
    Date Event Type
    December 14 Holiday Social Chapter Meeting
    January 2018
    Date Event Type
    January 10 RESPECT IN THE WORKPLACE Chapter Meeting
    February 2018
    Date Event Type
    February 14 Cross Benefit Engagement Chapter Meeting
    March 2018
    Date Event Type
    March 14 How to Recruit! by Tiffany Kuehl Chapter Meeting
    March 14 State Workforce Business Tools in Action: What's in Your Toolbox? Chapter Meeting
    April 2018
    Date Event Type
    April 11 State Workforce business tools in Action: What’s In Your Toolbox? Chapter Meeting
    May 2018
    Date Event Type
    May 9 Conducting Internal Investgations Chapter Meeting
    June 2018
    Date Event Type
    June 13 Emerging Accommodation Trends Chapter Meeting
    August 2018
    Date Event Type
    August 15 SUMMER SOCIAL 2018
    September 2018
    Date Event Type
    October 2018
    Date Event Type
    October 14 to October 16 MN SHRM State Confrence Conference
    November 2018
    Date Event Type
    November 14 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: The Trump Years: How Are Things Changing and How Much Are They Really Changing? Chapter Meeting
    December 2018
    Date Event Type
    December 6 HOLIDAY SOCIAL
    February 2019
    Date Event Type
    February 13 Is Your Retirement Plan Right for your Business? Chapter Meeting
    March 2019
    Date Event Type
    March 13 It’s Not the Money: The Reasons Employees Quit Chapter Meeting
    April 2019
    Date Event Type
    April 10 Myths & Misconceptions About Employer Health Plans Chapter Meeting
    May 2019
    Date Event Type
    May 8 Two Questions Will Save Us All Chapter Meeting
    June 2019
    Date Event Type
    June 12 The Rise of Harassment, Accommodations, and Retaliation Concerns and How to Mitigate Risks in the #metoo Era. Chapter Meeting
    September 2019
    Date Event Type
    September 11 Create Something Extraordinary Chapter Meeting
    October 2019
    Date Event Type
    October 13 to October 15 MN SHRM State Conference Conference
    November 2019
    Date Event Type
    November 13 HR Legislative Update Chapter Meeting
    December 2019
    Date Event Type
    December 12 Holiday Social
    January 2020
    Date Event Type
    January 8 Top Items to Audit in 2020 Chapter Meeting
    February 2020
    Date Event Type
    February 12 Employee Benefit Trends: Are you Ready for 2021? Chapter Meeting
    March 2020
    Date Event Type
    March 11 Marijuana Chapter Meeting
    April 2020
    Date Event Type
    April 8 Whistleblower Claims: Changing the Legal Landscape for Employers Chapter Meeting
    May 2020
    Date Event Type
    May 13 Facilitating Virtual Meetings Chapter Meeting
    June 2020
    Date Event Type
    June 10 COVID-19 in the Workplace Chapter Meeting
    July 2020
    Date Event Type
    July 8 Addressing Employer COVID-19 Concerns Chapter Meeting
    August 2020
    Date Event Type
    August 12 Mental Health in 2020 Chapter Meeting
    September 2020
    Date Event Type
    September 9 He did what? You've Got to be kidding me! Addressing Inappropriate Conduct in a Politically-Charged, Pandemic, Era. Chapter Meeting
    October 2020
    Date Event Type
    October 14 Gray Area Thinking Chapter Meeting
    November 2020
    Date Event Type
    November 11 Employer Update: HOT Topics in Labor and Employment Law Chapter Meeting
    December 2020
    Date Event Type
    December 9 Annual Membership Meeting - Social Chapter Meeting
    January 2021
    Date Event Type
    January 13 Whistleblower Claims: Changing the Legal Landscape for Employers Chapter Meeting
    February 2021
    Date Event Type
    February 10 Applying the Wisdom of Improv to Work Chapter Meeting
    March 2021
    Date Event Type
    March 10 Building a Culture on the One Thing That Motivates All People Chapter Meeting
    April 2021
    Date Event Type
    April 14 Post-Covid Resilience and Mental Health Chapter Meeting
    May 2021
    Date Event Type
    May 12 The New Stakeholders: How to Manage a More Concerned and Activist Community Chapter Meeting
    June 2021
    Date Event Type
    June 9 Ms. Breca Tschida covers revised OSHA rules for COVD-19 Chapter Meeting
    July 2021
    Date Event Type
    July 14 Ms. Katherine Males and the BLS web site Chapter Meeting
    August 2021
    Date Event Type
    August 11 Rethinking Benefits in the Pandemic Transition Chapter Meeting
    September 2021
    Date Event Type
    September 8 Bias Run Amok with Ms. Kate Bischoff, tHRive Law & Consulting Chapter Meeting
    October 2021
    Date Event Type
    October 11 to October 12 MNSHRM State Conference Conference
    November 2021
    Date Event Type
    November 10 Being A Value Proposition: Contributing to Business Solutions through HR Metrics. Chapter Meeting
    December 2021
    Date Event Type
    December 9 HR Leadershift: the five distinctions of a strategic HR leader with Sara Christiansen Networking Event
    January 2022
    Date Event Type
    January 12 The New Paradigm for Workplace Violence: Hope for the Best but Prepare for the Worst Chapter Meeting
    February 2022
    Date Event Type
    February 9 Being Strategic in Assisting Employees in Overcoming Societal Barriers and Challenges Chapter Meeting
    March 2022
    Date Event Type
    March 9 Servant Leadership with Ted Schick Chapter Meeting
    March 23 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast Networking Event
    April 2022
    Date Event Type
    April 13 Religious Accommodation Issues for an Increasingly Diverse Workforce Chapter Meeting
    April 26 Virtual Seminar: Sleep and Our Mental Well-Being During COVID-19 Pandemic
    April 27 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast Networking Event
    May 2022
    Date Event Type
    May 11 Drowning in Documentation? Chapter Meeting
    June 2022
    Date Event Type
    June 8 Managing Employee Performance to Promote Success and Mitigate Risks Chapter Meeting
    June 29 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast Networking Event
    July 2022
    Date Event Type
    July 13 Lessons Learned from Climate and Culture Assessments; Joseph Nierenberg Chapter Meeting
    August 2022
    Date Event Type
    August 10 Retirement Income Planning: Stein Financial Group Chapter Meeting
    August 31 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    September 2022
    Date Event Type
    September 14 The Aggressive National Labor Relations Board: What All Employers Must Know Chapter Meeting
    September 28 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    October 2022
    Date Event Type
    October 10 to October 11 2022 MNSHRM State Conference Conference
    October 26 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    November 2022
    Date Event Type
    November 10 Legislative Update - Pre-Holiday Social Chapter Meeting
    November 30 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    January 2023
    Date Event Type
    January 11 Beth Mayotte: The Benefits of Ergonomics for the HR Professional Chapter Meeting
    January 25 January Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    February 2023
    Date Event Type
    February 8 Addiction in the Workplace Chapter Meeting
    February 22 February Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    February 28 2023 BOD Strategic Planning Session
    March 2023
    Date Event Type
    March 8 High on Hemp: Understanding Legal Cannabis in Minnesota Chapter Meeting
    March 29 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    April 2023
    Date Event Type
    April 12 Mission Critical Leadership - How Smart Managers Lead Well in All Directions Chapter Meeting
    April 26 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    May 2023
    Date Event Type
    May 10 Retirement, 401k, & Future Planning Chapter Meeting
    May 31 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    June 2023
    Date Event Type
    June 14 Legislative Update 2023 Chapter Meeting
    June 28 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    July 2023
    Date Event Type
    July 12 Worker Misclassification Chapter Meeting
    July 26 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    August 2023
    Date Event Type
    August 9 Do's and Don'ts of Employee Handbooks and Background Checks Chapter Meeting
    August 30 September Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    September 2023
    Date Event Type
    September 13 Compliance Considerations for the Remote/Hybrid Workforce Chapter Meeting
    September 27 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    October 2023
    Date Event Type
    October 8 to October 10 2023 MNSHRM State Conference Conference
    October 25 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    November 2023
    Date Event Type
    November 2 Ethical Leadership & Dinner Pre-Holiday Social Chapter Meeting
    November 29 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    December 2023
    Date Event Type
    December 13 MN Earned Sick and Safe Time and PFLMA Chapter Meeting
    January 2024
    Date Event Type
    January 10 Driving Inclusion with Empathy Chapter Meeting
    February 2024
    Date Event Type
    February 14 Pregnant Workers & New Parents Law Changes Chapter Meeting
    February 28 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    March 2024
    Date Event Type
    March 13 Internal Investigations Chapter Meeting
    March 27 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    March 27 Facing Retaliation From Above: A Case Study From Maryland Chapter Meeting
    April 2024
    Date Event Type
    April 10 Workers' Compensation Chapter Meeting
    April 24 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    May 2024
    Date Event Type
    May 8 Recruiting, Engagement, Retention & Upskilling Chapter Meeting
    May 29 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    June 2024
    Date Event Type
    June 12 Active Threat Preparedness Chapter Meeting
    June 26 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    July 2024
    Date Event Type
    July 10 2SLGBTQIA+ 101 Chapter Meeting
    July 31 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    August 2024
    Date Event Type
    August 14 Leaders, What can AI do for you? Chapter Meeting
    August 28 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    September 2024
    Date Event Type
    September 11 MN Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (PMFLA) Chapter Meeting
    September 25 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    October 2024
    Date Event Type
    October 14 to October 15 2024 MNSHRM State Conference Conference
    October 30 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event
    November 2024
    Date Event Type
    November 27 Roundtable Coffee/Breakfast - Small Group Discussion Networking Event