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Event Details

    Employee Monitoring and Workplace Privacy: What Should You Monitor, What Shouldn’t You Monitor?

    Date: April 13, 2016, 8:00am – 9:30am
    North Star SHRM
    Minnesota School of Business - 11500 193rd Ave. Elk River MN
    No Cost
    Event Type:
    Chapter Meeting
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    The target audience for this seminar is HR professionals and small business owners.   The modern day workplace is experiencing a technological arms race.  Employers are exploiting new methods to monitor employees, but technology also creates new concerns about data breaches and data theft as employees work remotely on wireless devices and communicate on social media.  In this session we will discuss privacy rights of employees from common law to new legislation; methods for and restrictions on employee monitoring, and important policies that all employers should have in place.  Monitoring can increase productivity and dissuade and detect theft and other bad behavior.  New technologies allow employers to track employee computer activity but monitoring must be done carefully to avoid liability for invasion of privacy claims.  All participants will:

    • Understand the various ways to monitor employees (including audio, video, computer use, emails, key-logging, social media use, background checks and physical searches.)
    • Understand the legal boundaries of common law privacy in the workplace.
    • Identify key state and federal statutes regarding workplace privacy.

    This seminar will be presented by V. John Ella.

    V. John Ella is a shareholder in the Minneapolis office of Jackson Lewis, P.C. a national workplace law firm.  Mr. Ella has defended more than two dozen drug testing lawsuits and reviewed or drafted countless drug testing policies.  He has written about drug testing law for the Star Tribune, Bench and Bar Magazine, and more.  He is a certified employment law specialist and was named one of the Top 100 attorneys in Minnesota for 2014.  Mr. Ella also serves on the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice.