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01/2021 Meetings & Events

    January 2017
    Date Event Type
    January 11 The Strategic Use of Severance and Release Agreements Chapter Meeting
    February 2017
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    February 8 Proactively Protecting Your Business through Policies & Procedures Chapter Meeting
    March 2017
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    March 8 Saving Trees & Moving to the Cloud: The Future of HR Chapter Meeting
    April 2017
    Date Event Type
    April 12 What The Heck Is Going On In DC, HR Wise?  Chapter Meeting
    May 2017
    Date Event Type
    May 10 HR Metrics: Safeguarding HR’s Value Through HR Metrics. Chapter Meeting
    June 2017
    Date Event Type
    June 14 Your Organization's DNA: Taking Culture Out of the Shadows Chapter Meeting
    September 2017
    Date Event Type
    September 13 Finance for the Non-Financial HR Person Chapter Meeting
    October 2017
    Date Event Type
    October 8 to October 10 2017 MN SHRM State Conference: Superior HR - Charting the Course Conference
    November 2017
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    November 8 Legislative Update Chapter Meeting
    December 2017
    Date Event Type
    December 14 Holiday Social Chapter Meeting